The Truth About Acupuncture Point for Weight Loss

You may have heard of acupuncture practices that claim that there is an acupuncture point for weight loss. What is the truth? Is there really a specific acupuncture point for weight loss? Read on to find out.

Acupuncture and weight loss

Acupuncture is a kind of traditional medical treatment that is believed to have originated from China. It involves the insertion of very thin and long needles into the body. According to this method, our body has certain points that - when triggered by the needles - can aid in restoring health and well-being. That is why acupuncture is commonly used to treat pain. Nowadays, new techniques in acupuncture claim to aid in weight loss.

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Your ear and your weight

No matter how far off it sounds, the ear is actually the acupuncture point for weight loss. Some studies show that when that specific point in the ear is punctured, it can release endorphins in the body that has relaxing and calming effects to make it easier for us to deal with anxiety, frustration and stress, all of which normally trigger bingeing and overeating sweets and other "comfort" foods (translation: fattening). Endorphines also affect the endocrine and hormonal systems. Acupuncture also aids in increasing metabolic rate, so that you can burn calories faster.

Stapling the ear?

Ear stapling is one of the new ways to lose weight. This is done by puncturing a surgical staple wire onto your ear cartilage. According to women who participated in this weight loss regimen, they felt pain in their jaws, which made it hard for them to chew or open their mouths properly. This is probably the reason why they managed to lose weight. Be careful, though, because back-alley clinics and sometimes even licensed acupuncturists make mistakes during the procedure. It is still advisable to use tried and tested yet safe methods for dieting, like eating healthy foods and exercising regularly.

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